Coed Varsity Rowing vs Mercer Challenge on 10/30/2024
Race Results
Oct. 30, 2024
vs. Mercer Challenge [4500m]
75 degrees, 7 MPH SW Wind
Peddie A 4+
4 Armaan Motiani
3 Charles White
2 Keaton Chien
1 Darren Kwok
C Aakarsh Mamawala
Peddie B 4+
4 Neal Patel
3 Jerry Liu
2 Rohit Nunugonda
1 Brandon Yang
C Jonathan Koo
Peddie C 4+
4 Doug Lopez
3 Frost Gill
2 Fred Sullivan
1 Alexander Cao
C Jane Kim
C Alex Baek-Nadell
8 Keaton Chien
7 Andrew Yang
6 Armaan Motiani
5 Atharva Khamparia
4 Aryan Reddy
3 Tevin Zhou
2 John Maltez
1 James Yang
Racing was quick and compact with guys from the 4+ going directly into the 8+ to race. It was a
great experience to get as much of the team on the water and racing as possible against the tough competition of Mercer, a very large club team and Lawrenceville. The boys posted some good
times in line-ups that were pretty much new to all of them with close margins especially in the
4+ event. It was a solid afternoon of racing to cap off an amazing Fall season;
Boys 4+ Boys 8+
1 Mercer A 16:14.9 1 Mercer A 28 14:58.8
2 Mercer B 16:33.2 2 Mercer B 31 15:35.9
3 Mercer C 16:58.8 3 Lawrenceville 30 15:42.9
4 Mercer E 17:06.7 4 Mercer C 32 15:58.1
5 Mercer D 17:26.4 5 Mercer D 33 16:41.6
6 Mercer F 18:05.6 6 Peddie A 29 16:44.2
7 Lawrenceville A 18:15.9 7 Mercer N1 34 17:09.1
8 Peddie A 18:16.6 8 Mercer E 35 17:32.1
9 Lawrenceville B 18:54.0
10 Peddie B 19:27.3
11 Peddie C 20:54.7
Hun A Scratch
Hun B Scratch
Peddie Girls Rowing
Race Results
Oct. 30, 2024
vs. Mercer Challenge [4500m]
75 degrees, 7 MPH SW Wind
Peddie A 4X+ Peddie B 4X+ Peddie C 4X+ Peddie D 4X+ 8+
C Izzy Naso C Sofia Cervantes C Lizzy Rao C Scarlett Liu C Lizzy Rao
4 Aria Shi 4 Emily DiVenti 4 Diya Kondapalli 4 Charlotte Jones 8 Aria Shi
3 Sarah Tong 3 Lea Weinberger 3 Izzy Lam 3 Isabelle Reeder 7 Sarah Tong
2 Ophelia Ni 2 Sophia Chopan 2 Cirah Spurlock-Shackelton 2 Allison Li 6 Ophelia Ni
B Veronica Simms B Tian Yun Cheung B Ella Jiang B IO Kim 5 Aubrey Fraasch
4 Veronica Simms
3 Lea Weinberger
2 Emily DiVenti
B Tian Yun Cheung
Redemption! A mere 1.9 seconds behind Mercer in the 4+/4X+ event, our A boat rowed their fastest time of the fall (and for many years) to finish a close second on our home 4500m course. There were no leaves slowing them down today! Our B boat was not far behind in fourth. Our C and D boats also raced well to seventh and ninth place in this annual Caspersen Rowing Center intra-boathouse event. Half of the team raced a
second time in an eight, brushing off their sweep rowing skills for spring. Mercer, a large club program, was Peddie’s primary competition. It was a solid afternoon of racing to close a successful fall season.