The Food Issue
Campus Cravings
From the warmth of a fresh chocolate chip cookie at The Grille to the juicy goodness of a burger at the old Canteen, Peddie’s campus snacks have been a tasty tradition for generations. We asked students and alumni to share their favorite go-to bites.
Cookies from The Grille!
— Caitlin McCorkle ’07
Annie Bortey ’06 and I always got bowtie donuts from The Grille during DMX.
— Allie Rich ’06
Warm chocolate chip cookies at The Grille.
— Jennifer (Prostoff) Braciak ’11
Big cookie and a Mountain Dew Code Red from The Grille.
— Brian Chaszar ’02
Warm chocolate chip cookies in The Grille. They were huge and so good, plus Fran always served them up with a smile.
— Lauren Einhorn ’08
They had these twist donuts at The Grille that were about a buck. Washing that down with a 99c Arnold Palmer gave me the fuel to get through some late nights of study!
— Alexander Dacey ’03
Cookies from The Grille!
— Charis Chien ’27
Warm cookies at The Grille.
— Julia Ulrich ’25
The Dunkin’ Donuts muffins in The Grille. Even better is the memory of Fran, who always asked, “Want a muffin, honey?” when you walked up to order. She had such a sweet and unique voice. I still use this phrase in my best Fran voice with my kids today.
— Jennifer Miksis-Olds ’92

Peddie students enjoy snacks and conversation in the late 1960s at the Canteen, a favorite campus hangout.
Toasted roll with jelly and butter from the Canteen. 10 cents.
— Thomas Bifano ’76
Drake’s Cherry Fruit Pies. I went to the Canteen almost every night for a pack. Still eating them today.
— Bart M. Rogers Jr. ’75
Bagels and Snapples from Frannie in the Canteen!
— Nicole Rossi O’Brien ’95
I liked the Canteen’s cheeseburgers in 9th grade.
— Claude Elenewich ’75
Fried onion sandwich on a hard roll. 10 cents in the old Canteen.
— Wes Lawson ’76
Canteen. The milkshakes, of course!
— Sharon Evans ’63
Fried bologna sandwich at the Canteen ($.20).
— Richard Benes ’65
The Canteen. I remember the French fries.
— Gerard Fritz ’81
Canteen. Rose Lipszic Hayet ’72 and I would go. Cherry Coke and matchbox football.
— Deborah Tifft-Tufts ’72
Not even a question: Frannie’s chocolate chip cookies from the Canteen.
— Jonathan Besler ’98
Burger at the Canteen.
— Bob Dunne ’71
I worked part-time in the Canteen. A favorite snack for myself and many others was a grilled hard roll done on the flat top.
— Mary Stella ’75
Probably milk.
— Dave Ennis ’58
Hostess Apple Fruit Pies from the Canteen.
— Kathryn Riley Andrew ’84
Muffins in the Canteen! Fran behind the counter would say, “Can I help you, hon?” “Muffin, please.” “Blueberry or chocolate chip?” “Chocolate chip!”
— Marisa Coppola Procopio ’87
Canteen. I would have a glazed donut pretty much every day.
— Stephen Bratcher ’69
Hamburger at the Canteen.
— Paul Rossos M.D. ’72
A coffee roll donut from the Canteen, always saved for me by the lovely Frannie who would set it aside knowing I’d be in to buy it before lunchtime.
— Amy Elkes-Simon ’95
Anyone from my era is going to say the apple bombs from Frannie at the Canteen.
— Kevin Sanderson ’92
Fries from the Canteen coupled with Super Mario Bros.
— Jon Siegel ’91
Grilled Cheese from the Canteen.
— Lisa Gonnella ’86
Between classes, there was a stop at the Canteen for a Ring Ding and a Cherry Coke.
— Ted Brooks ’64
A burger and chocolate milkshake at the Canteen. Sometimes, when busy, we got to go behind the counter to make our own.
— Robbie Lobban ’74
Went to the Canteen for greasy burgers.
— David Mintzer ’71
The Annenberg Café and The Peddie Store
Biscoff cookies or jalapeno chips from the Annenberg Cafe.
— Aarushi Gupta ’26
Chocolate Hello Panda Snacks from the Annenberg Cafe.
— Grace Lee ’26
Haribo gummies from The Peddie Store.
— Dasyer Bullock ’26
Hi-Chew from the Annenberg Cafe!
— Sophie Liz Wang ’27
Cold chocolate milk from the Annenberg Cafe, paired with Hello Panda.
— Ophelia Ni ’26
A Stewart’s root beer from the bookstore was the perfect post-chapel drink. In the winter, I’d grab a couple before chapel for my friend and me, then deposit them in a snowbank. When we got out, they were perfectly frosted, and we didn’t have to wait in line for anything before the long block.
— Bryce Hillman ’07