
Facing Our Deck Chairs Forward

There’s an old “Peanuts” comic strip featuring an exchange between Lucy, in her recurring stint as a psychiatrist, and Charlie Brown, in which Lucy suggests that life is like a deck chair on a cruise ship. Lucy says, “Some people place their chairs facing the rear of the ship so they can see where they’ve been. Other people place their chairs facing forward. They want to see where they’re going.”

Lucy looks at Charlie Brown and asks, “Which way is your deck chair facing?” And Charlie Brown responds, “I’ve never been able to get one unfolded.”

The past two years have been challenging to say the least, and I think at different points, we all felt stuck, like Charlie Brown grappling with his deck chair. But as this year progressed, and especially this spring, encouraged by the reality that we are moving toward a post-COVID-restrictions campus, Peddie has been all about looking ahead.

Our athletic and robotics teams have been in full competition this year- and mounting some notable wins! We welcomed theater patrons back to enjoy our talented students for three mainstage productions: “Mr. Burns, A Post Electric Play,” “Into the Woods” and “Radium Girls.” We resumed our off-campus community and service events. And with the start of spring term, we recommenced all-school gatherings in Ayer Memorial Chapel and Geiger-Reeves Hall.

In April, we welcomed leaders and volunteers of the One Peddie campaign to launch the most extensive campaign in Peddie’s history, the proceeds of which will support our students and faculty in their shared mission of transformational education. And for the first time since May 2019, we were able to host a traditional senior week with prom, the senior dinner, baccalaureate and commencement ceremonies, and an in-person Reunion Weekend.

We have always been proud to “begin anew” each day. We are especially thrilled at this moment of renewal to be celebrating that the most important things we do are the things we do- and the things we will do- together.

Here’s to looking ahead!

PETER A. QUINN P’15 ’18 ’21

facing forward