Spring Elective: College Lit

Terms: 1
Grades: 11, 12, PG

Paradoxically, in high school sometimes the idea of college reigns supreme. Students think about college placement when they pick classes, they spend hours in the weight room hoping to earn athletic scholarships, and when teachers return essays or tests, you can almost hear the number€crunching as GPA’s get mentally re€calculated. For all this college preparation, though, we often don’t think about what happens at college itself. Congratulations, you’ve gotten to college…now what? You no longer have study hall or lights out, you won’t get MOs for skipping class, and others look at you strange when you give an “Ala Viva.” What to do?

This class will explore the unique challenges and opportunities of college life, including, but not limited to: classes and professors; social life; relationships; gender, race and class dynamics; the prospects of a job and life after college. We will examine these questions through a literary lens, using several short stories and Donna Tartt’s The Secret History to guide our discussions.

Course Text: The Secret History, Donna Tartt

ISBN€10: 1400031702

ISBN€13: 978€1400031702