At Peddie, we prioritize our students’ health and well-being. Our state-of-the-art athletic facilities, including a comprehensive fitness center and a robust strength and conditioning program, are designed to cater to all fitness levels and interests, ensuring an inclusive gym experience. Our team of skilled athletic trainers is dedicated to treating sports-related injuries and educating students on safe exercise practices. Whether you’re a dedicated student-athlete, looking to enhance your overall fitness, or enjoy morning workouts before class, we’re here to support you every step of the way.
Physical Activity Course Offerings
Strength and Conditioning
Under the guidance of our dedicated strength and conditioning coach, our fitness programs are tailored to the needs of our varsity teams and individual athletes, emphasizing balance, variety and technique. Whether you’re a seasoned athlete or new to exercise, our coach works closely with you to develop personalized plans and track your progress, ensuring you get the most out of your gym sessions. Peddie’s commitment to excellence in strength and conditioning has been recognized with the Strength of America Award by the National Strength and Conditioning Association.

Athletic Training
Our certified athletic trainers, supported by Peddie’s school physician, provide expert care at every Peddie game and travel with teams for away games. Equipped with state-of-the-art facilities including whirlpools, hydrocollators, ultrasound units, electrical stimulation units, a game-ready cryo compression unit and a LightForce Therapy Laser, our trainers specialize in injury prevention and management while educating student-athletes about preventative care and healthy habits.
Our consecutive National Athletic Trainers’ Association Safe Sports School 1st Team Awards further highlight Peddie’s ongoing commitment to its athletic training program.
I’m a strong believer in athletics as an extension of the classroom. The values we teach in athletics — teamwork, commitment, resilience — apply to every aspect of a student’s life.”

Michael Volkmar
M.S., George Washington University