1959-1960 Boys Soccer Team

Along with Captains George Bond (halfback), Dave King (wing) and Bill Saul (goaltender), Ed Tribaldos (inside) completed the nucleus of the team. Francois Gros and Al Gutermuth joined Tribaldos to alternate at the two inside positions. Louis Hano played opposite King on the other wing. Buck Thompson, only a sophomore, completed the front line by stepping up to man the key center forward position. Joining Bond, Dave Blanchard and Lyle Bainbridge filled out the tenacious halfback corps known as “the Battling B’s.” Gil Williams and Austin Wright manned the fullback positions in front of formidable goaltender Bill Saul.
The team’s three losses – by a total of just four goals- came in the first half of the season at the hands of Pingry, Lawrenceville and the Princeton University freshmen. Return matches provided Peddie’s development as the “Randmen” defeated Pingry, 2-0, and Lawrenceville, 3-1 to give the team an 8-3-1 record going into the final three games.
From the start, The Hill School’s formidable attack kept goaltender Saul under fire throughout the game. Proving equal to the challenge, Bill saved all but one shot to earn Peddie a 1-1 tie. The team then went on to tie The George School before playing its traditional rival, Blair, in a fitting climax to their surprising season. Great fan support helped inspire the team to close out the season with a 2-0 win.
Captains Bond, King and Saul can be proud of leading their championship team then and today making it the first one coached by Mr. Rand to enter the Sports Hall of Fame. Congratulations, all who contributed to this team’s great season. And special congratulations to you, Mr. Rand!