1973-1974 Boys Outdoor Track & Field Team

Outstanding performances highlighted the 1973-1974 season. The 480-year shuttle hurdle relay team of Dave Rogers, Craig Avedesian, Rich Feaster and Pete McConnell broke the Peddie School record with a 1:06.0. Mike Price, a sophomore, long jumped 22’2″, turned the 440 in 50.7 to win the state meet and anchored the mile relay in 50.0. J.P. Flynn, a junior ran the two-mile in 9:51.9, while Mike McCrab covered the distance in 10:00. Bill Stuart, a senior, ran the mile in 4:32. Kevin Smith, a senior, ran 100 yards in 10.1 and 220 years in 21.7. Pete McConnell, a junior won the Peddie Relays 330-yard intermediate hurdles event in 41.0 and won the state prep meet with a 41.5.
Leading the Peddie Scorers for the season were Mike Price in the long jump, 440, and mile relay; Brian Cooke in the 440 (53.0) and the mile relay; Craig Avedesian, Dave Rogers, Rich Feaster and Pete McConnell in the hurdles; J.P. Flynn, Mike McCrabb, Bill Stuart and Steve Ranson in the distances; in the weights Mark Pektack placed third in the state shot put with 46′; and John Neely and Al Schumer threw the javelin.
The outstanding devotion and determination brought this team through with such great performances culminating in one of Peddie’s finest track teams.