Advice for a 9th Grader

What’s a 9th grader to do when they first step on campus? Take a deep breath and take some advice from tour guide Ananya.
Joining a new high school can be scary, but the most important thing to know is that every new freshman at Peddie feels the same way. Now, as a senior, here is some advice I would have found useful as a freshman.
1. Join clubs
Peddie has many clubs and student interest groups, covering everything from computer science to cooking. Although I was intimidated by the amount of clubs offered to me, I joined various unfamiliar clubs to find what I was truly interested in. One of these unfamiliar clubs I joined – the Computer Science Club – led me to discover my passion for coding and helped me develop as a leader. Be sure to check out the endless activities available for you to meet peers with the same interests as you!
2. Ask for help
As a freshman, I was often scared to ask for help. It took me a few months to learn that the Peddie faculty welcomes questions. During Math Problem Solving classes, I learned that the best way to succeed is to ask my teachers and classmates for support. After all, no question is too small! I would advise all incoming Falcons to make use of the incredible resources at Peddie.
3. Have fun!
No matter how cliche it sounds, it is important to have fun. Student Life Activities such as Broadway trips have helped me decompress from a long school week and relax with my friends. Engaging with the Peddie community outside of the classroom has helped me feel more connected to my peers. Supporting other Falcons by showing up to school musicals and sports games is a great way to both strengthen the community and allow yourself to have some fun!
The Peddie community has helped me grow as a person, and I hope every incoming student can have a great Peddie experience. Ala Viva!