Bob Turco, Class of 1970

All the accolades “Turc’s” remarkable success has earned don’t mean all that much to him. He cares most about what each boy learns to help him make his way on the lacrosse field and then on into the field of life, itself. As Peter Friedman ’01, says, “Mr. Turco is a great coach because I have never, ever had anyone believe in me as strongly as he did. When someone believes in you as strongly as he does, it becomes very difficult not to believe in yourself.”
It can be enlightening to see Bob mold a team into what he sees as the highest expression of its potential. It can also be scary! Settling for less than one’s best is a sure path to attention no player ever wants. To Rich D’Andrea ’01, Coach Turco excels because, “Regardless of skill, talent or ability, he forced each of us to look deep into his soul and give their finest effort – and when we did this, we experienced ‘the magic.’ For this lifelong lesson that we take with us wherever we go, we are forever grateful.”
We celebrate Bob as one of Peddie’s finest coaches ever. Yet the honor he richly earns today is also richly shared. As his own Peddie lacrosse coach says, “Bob and Margaret have done more for more young people than any other couple I have ever known.” Welcome to the Peddie Sports Hall of Fame, Coach and Mrs. Turco!