Head of School Search Update

Dear Members of the Peddie Community,
Since my last report to you announcing our selection of the Isaacson Miller search firm, the HOS Search Committee has made important progress on the schedule we outlined following Peter’s retirement announcement in February.
After considering a wide and deep array of candidates over the last few months, the Committee met recently met with the IM Team in New York and selected nine semi-finalists for in-person interviews in New York at the end of July. Thereafter, the Committee will decide on a few finalists for further, more extensive interviews in the early fall.
The semi-finalists include individuals with varying and impressive backgrounds and areas of expertise, including sitting heads and other senior school leaders. All of them have demonstrated a range of experience throughout their careers in areas identified in the position statement we have crafted, which is posted on the Peddie and IM websites. There are a number of women and persons of color among the semi-finalists, as well as geographic diversity within the group.
We are very pleased with the overall strength and composition of the semi-finalist group; we continue to be impressed with the support, input, responsiveness and sound advice we have been receiving from the IM Team.
I will provide a further progress report later this summer, but if you have any questions in the meantime, please let me know.
Ala Viva,
Doug Davidson ’64
Chair, Board of Trustees