How to get the most from your Peddie tour

Every student who visits Peddie for an interview receives a tour of our campus, guided by a Peddie student. Tour guide Juah Lee has three tips to help you on your journey.
When you’re beginning your boarding school search, school tours are a must. My very first school tour was at Peddie, and I was so captivated by seeing such a large campus with so much to offer. It opened my eyes to everything that I could pursue at Peddie. If you’re nervous about your upcoming Peddie tour, fear not! Here are three things you should do to get the most out of your Peddie tour.
- Don’t be afraid to ask questions!
Asking someone you’ve never met before a whole bunch of questions can be a little daunting. However, speaking as a tour guide, we love questions! By asking us questions – big and small! – about our school and our experiences, you’re engaging in the tour, and more likely to discover something new that you might be interested in. - Take pictures or notes!
During your tour, you’ll probably see and learn about a lot of different things that happen on campus. If you take notes or photos, you’re more likely to remember moments or places that stood out to you, which will help you later when remembering things you liked about Peddie. - Reflect on your visit!
After your tour, take some time to write a thank you email to your tour guide for showing you around campus! This is a great opportunity to follow up with any lingering questions you might have. Think about everything that you’ve experienced during your visit, and consider how you would see yourself at Peddie.
These tips definitely helped me during my tour at Peddie, and I have no doubt that these tips will help you as well! Most importantly: be the best version of yourself! Enjoy your visit, and good luck with the admissions process!