John C. Bristor, Class of 1946

John C. Bristor was one of the most versatile athletes on the Peddie School athletic fields. Every season his senior year, he captained a varsity team. He was elected captain of the 1946 cross country team and ran in some of the meets while also being the best running back on the Peddie football team.
As a starter on one of Peddie’s finest basketball teams, the 1945 team, John led that team as a guard. During his senior year, his playmaking ability and overall talent garnered, with teammate Hugh Jefferies, all-state prep honors.
In spring track, his leadership and determination in the 440 and 880 enabled the team to beat Lawrenceville 61-56.
After graduating from Penn State University, John returned to Peddie as varsity basketball coach. His first team was 11-5 despite its having only two returning lettermen.
John Bristor represents the finest elements of leadership and athletic ability in Peddie Sports.