Robert H. Fine, Class of 1967

Robert H. Fine, Class of 1967
Of all the players throughout Peddie’s lacrosse history, none ever had a greater impact on the entire program than Bobby Fine. His bent for promoting the sport led to Peddie’s first-ever spring lacrosse trip, a great success as well as a big factor in the team’s development.

As the only returning starter, he had undergone major knee surgery, introducing a level of vulnerability wholly unknown to him ever before. Applying himself vigorously in conditioning, training and exercising, Bobby played the entire season without even wearing a knee brace. In Mr. Von’s words, “of all the players I have ever coached, Bobby Fine stands alone in how he, utilizing his charismatic personality and great athletic skills, led his team to far greater success than anyone could have possibly imagined.” Bob did everything from recruiting players for the program to inspiring them by the exceptional example he set. As the friends he had made over his four years at Peddie were quick to note, it was all the more remarkable that Bob willingly traded his hearty appetite for the good life in exchange for such tools of torture as a rubberized sweat suit.

Under Bob’s inspirational leadership, his inexperienced teammates blossomed. As a result, the 1967 lacrosse team accomplished more with fewer credentials than many potentially better teams, fueled by the determination and spirit that Bobby Find exuded to serve as an example for all Peddie athletics.