Terry Hensle, Class of 1960: Football

Rarely does a lineman get recognition in the press. Even more rarely does one school have the privilege of counting both a Heisman Trophy winner and a Maxwell Trophy recipient among its alumni.
Terry Hensle, a fearsome Peddie defensive tackle and “bulwark on the line,” achieved the remarkable by winning the Maxwell Trophy for his exceptional play at the University of Pennsylvania. The Maxwell Trophy is the Division I-AA equivalent of the Heisman Trophy and is awarded annually to the best college player in that division. With this achievement, Terry joined Heisman winner Larry Kelley ’33 as one of the most highly honored players in the history of Peddie football.
Even though he had to sit out most of his first Peddie season after breaking his foot during the opening kickoff against Ewing, Hensle had already impressed coach Robert Ochs with his “real football and leadership ability.” Elected captain his senior year, Terry received the Frank L. Bradley Football Award given to “that member of the football team who has shown the best qualities of sportsmanship, courage, spirit, loyalty and teamwork on the playing field and in the school.”
Terry used his natural leadership ability throughout the Peddie community. During his Peddie career he was described as “a leader who could easily secure the cooperation of his fellows and effectively supervise their activities.” In addition, Terry was recognized for his integrity and commitment, “always honest and respectful, willing to do his full share in furthering any worthwhile school activity.” Sidelining in sports journalism, Terry wrote a regular “Sports Quiz” column in The Peddie News.
Dr. Hensle is a renowned pediatric surgeon and currently the Given Foundation Professor of Urology at the Columbia University College of Physicians & Surgeons. A member of Peddie’s Board of Trustees since 1990, he was recognized as “Outstanding Alumnus of the Year” in 2000. Terry founded the Maurice P. Shuman Scholarship Fund to honor the memory of his revered coach and mentor, Mickey Shuman. The Peddie Sports Hall of Fame is honored to induct Dr. Terry Hensle, a distinguished athlete and leader.