The 5 best things about Annenberg Library

The 5 best things about Annenberg Library

Tour guide Claire Lin has the scoop on our coziest study spots and the best finds at the library snack bar.

As a Peddie student, I’ve come to appreciate all that the Annenberg Library has to offer. Here are five things that make it so awesome:

  1. Study Rooms
    The library’s private study rooms are incredibly helpful when I need a quiet space to work together with my friends. They’re perfect for all sizes of groups and study needs. The whiteboards are a great touch, allowing for brainstorming and organizing ideas for visual learners like me. It’s like having our own mini-classroom. Some even have large screens you can connect to your laptop, which is really useful for projecting presentations or watching an Amoeba Sisters video together.
  2. Snack Bar
    Studying can make you hungry. Thankfully, the library has snacks. The library provides a variety of options, ranging from granola bars to chips. It’s convenient to have something to munch on without having to leave the library, especially during long study sessions when you need a quick energy boost. They switch up the options from time to time, so there’s always something new to try.
  3. Study Supplies
    The library’s supply station is another invaluable resource. Whether it’s a pen, textbook, calculator, flashcards, or charger, they have the essentials covered. Being able to use these items when needed has saved me so much time running between classes and my dorm, especially during busy periods when I may forget something. These little details make a huge difference when I’m trying to be efficient.
  4. Downstairs and Upstairs Area
    One of the best things about the library is how different the downstairs and upstairs areas are, so it never feels repetitive. The downstairs area is my personal favorite—with rows of individual study carrels, it’s quiet, spacious, and ideal for deep focus. Whether it’s during a free block, evening study hall, or just a spare 20 minutes after lunch, you can always count on the peaceful atmosphere downstairs to help you stay productive. On the other hand, the upstairs area has an incredible view of the athletic fields. It’s perfect for moments when you need a mental break. The green lamps on the desks add a cozy, classic feel to the space, making it an inviting spot for a more relaxed study session.
  5. Librarians
    The librarians at Annenberg are amazing people. They always greet you with a smile, creating a welcoming atmosphere that makes the library feel homey. Whether you need help finding a book, figuring out a printer, or unlocking a study room, they’re always approachable and happy to help. Their warmth and friendliness make the library special and personal.

Whether it’s bustling between periods or a quiet escape during free time, the Annenberg Library offers more than just a place to study—it’s an essential part of student life at Peddie!