The Bell Society

Peddie’s future financial stability is ensured through the forethought and generosity of more than 300 Bell Society members, living and deceased. We are eternally grateful to our Bell Society members.
As a Bell Society member, Patricia E. Eastburn ’82 made a thoughtful and generous commitment to Peddie through her estate plan so that future generations of students will fully benefit, as she did, from her Peddie experience. “My experience at Peddie provided the foundation for all my successes, and I want to provide that opportunity to others,” she said.
Eastburn intended to help out in what she referred to as a “relatively small way.” But when given the perspective that every planned gift lives on in perpetuity to transform the lives of students at Peddle, she responded, “Knowing that any contribution is impactful for a long time is very heartwarming. I know that Peddie will be a good steward of any monies donated.”
“For those who are considering becoming members of The Bell Society, do it! Knowing that someone else will benefit from your generosity is very rewarding.”
— Patricia E. Eastburn ’82
Reflecting on her time as a student at Peddie and the opportunities and experiences that shaped her, she shared that when she was a student at Peddie, “The main opportunity was exposure to computers, well ahead of other institutions.” That experience ignited Eastburn’s interest in technology, which is now a major part of her career as a financial systems consultant.
“I hope that current and future students are exposed to many experiences that fuel their creativity and passions. They don’t have to know what they want to do right out of school but only have the desire to learn and explore.
“For those who are considering becoming members of The Bell Society, do it! Knowing that someone else will benefit from your generosity is very rewarding.”