Financial Assistance
We believe that extraordinary students should be rewarded with extraordinary opportunities.
Our need-based grants are designed to bridge the gap between the cost of a Peddie education and a family’s ability to meet those costs. We calculate grants based on factors like household income, expenses, assets and family size. Grants can range in size from $5,000 to the full cost of tuition.
These grants are not loans, and we will never ask you to repay them. They are designed to meet 100% of a family’s demonstrated need. At Peddie, we are committed to ensuring that incredible students from all backgrounds can be a part of our community. Almost 40% of our students receive some form of financial assistance, including merit-based scholarships.
23 Questions with Peddie
Director of Financial Aid Peter Park ’07 is the best tour guide there is, whether you’re navigating your financial aid application or just trying to find the library.
Frequently asked questions
Will applying for financial assistance affect admission decisions?
Admission applications are reviewed without regard for a family’s ability to pay. Only in the final phase of the selection process is the committee “need aware” when weighing admission decisions against available funds. If you think you will require financial assistance to afford a Peddie education, you should apply.
If we receive financial assistance in our first year at Peddie, will we receive the same grant in subsequent years?
You must reapply every year for financial assistance. You can expect your level of funding to be consistent each year as long as your family’s financial circumstances remain consistent. Adjustments in financial assistance grants are made based on changes including cost of attendance, income, employment, number of children in tuition-charging schools, etc.
If we do not receive financial assistance in our first year at Peddie, is there a chance we might get it in subsequent years?
Families have the opportunity to apply or reapply for financial aid each enrollment year in order for our office to make an accurate assessment and review changes in financial circumstances year-to-year. Financial assistance requests for students currently enrolled (but not receiving financial assistance) are reviewed after determinations are made for new students and current students already receiving assistance. The committee will only consider requests from families who have completed all application requirements on time.
Are international students considered for financial assistance?
Peddie has exceptionally limited funds available for international applicants. However, all students who complete their application and interview by our deadline of January 15 will be considered for our selective merit scholarships.
Does Peddie offer scholarships?
Peddie offers a select number of merit scholarships. Merit scholars come from diverse backgrounds. We select them based on their ability to strengthen all aspects of our community and make the most of their Peddie experience.
Merit scholarships are open to all applicants regardless of financial need.
Are there any special obligations for students who receive financial assistance?
Financial assistance recipients have no work commitment beyond that of any Peddie student. We expect each student, regardless of financial assistance, to maintain the high personal and academic qualities evidenced at the time of admission to Peddie.
What if we have more than one child in school?
The Financial Aid Committee will take tuition expenses into consideration for all children in schools that charge tuition (excluding graduate school). Peddie requires that families apply for assistance at each institution in which they have a child enrolled. Peddie cannot subsidize tuition for other tuition-charging schools.
When will we be notified about our financial assistance determination?
New students: If the completed financial assistance application and all supporting documents are received on time, you will receive your financial assistance determination with your admission decision on March 10. Late applications will be considered upon completion and those financial assistance decisions are dependent on the amount of funds available.
Returning students renewing financial assistance applications: If the completed financial assistance application is received on time, returning student families will receive grant notifications when issued the re-enrollment contract.
Does Peddie provide fee waivers?
Yes, Peddie grants means-based application fee waivers to students who qualify for financial assistance. Families who qualify for a fee waiver for the Parents’ Financial Statement, as determined by SSS, will be eligible to receive a fee waiver for the Standard Application Online (SAO). If you have questions about this process, please contact
What if our financial situation is changing significantly right now?
If extenuating circumstances are affecting your family’s financial stability, please submit the documentation that outlines these factors as part of your financial assistance application.
If parents are divorced or separated, who fills out the financial assistance application?
Each parent/family/household, regardless of custodial arrangements, must submit a complete financial assistance application.
What if we own our own business or farm?
If you own a business or farm, you must submit tax documentation for partnerships and corporations to School and Student Services (SSS) (IRS Schedule K-1, Form 1065, Form 1120, Form 1120S). This is in addition to your complete federal tax return.
What if our family’s financial situation is complicated?
Please submit a detailed letter and relevant supporting documents about any circumstances that Peddie should consider when determining your financial need. Be as specific as possible with dates and figures.
Few things are as essential as education.”
Your financial assistance team
Ask them anything at

Peter Park

Michael O'Neill
M.A., SUNY Buffalo MAH