Hugh Jefferies, Class of 1947

Even though he was inducted into the Peddie Sports Hall of Fame as a sophomore starter on the 1945 basketball team, his exceptional athletic excellence establishes, beyond the shadow of a doubt, his place as an individual member of the Hall, as well. His basketball credentials alone are sterling. Hugh led all scorers with 175 points on the legendary 1945 team that won the state championship and had a 14-1 record. For the next two years, Hugh demonstrated outstanding leadership on the team and became captain his senior year. “Punky” was named to the All-State team for each of his three varsity years.
Off the basketball court and onto other fields of play! As a three-year letterman on both the varsity basketball and football teams, Hugh also excelled in these sports. So in basketball, baseball, and football, Hugh Jefferies represents the continued commitment to excellence that characterizes the best of Peddie athletics.