Michael Price, Class of 1976

As a sophomore he long jumped 22’2″ and turned the 440 in 50.7 to win both events at the state meet in which Peddie tied Lawrenceville for the title. Mike was a key factor in making the 1974 squad Bab Lawson’s second undefeated Spring Track Team.
At the Penn Relays in his junior year, Mike ran as part of the mile relay team along with Brian Cooke, David Hill and Steve Ransom. Anchoring the team, he was instrumental in setting a new prep school record for this prestigious event.
That same season, Mike stole the show at the state prep championships with wins in the long jump, 440, high jump and the anchor leg of the mile relay team. Peddie won the meet by 20 points over Lawrenceville. To finish off the season, Mike again dazzled the competition at the L’ville Relays with a long jump of 22’10 ½” and anchored the winning mile relay team.
In 1976, his senior year, he again anchored the victorious mile relay team at the Penn Relays. Mike also had a spectacular Colonial Relays in Williamsburg, Virginia, with a 1:57.6 in the half-mile. He was an impressive fourth in the long jump at the Easterns. And – perhaps the greatest proof of Mike’s impact on his sport – this great track performer was named a high school All-American.
Mike’s contributions to Peddie athletics include his four years of soccer and spring track, three years of basketball, two years of cross country, and one year of winter track. In his senior year, he captained the soccer, winter track, and spring track teams.
How valuable was Mike to the cross country and soccer programs? So valuable that, thanks to coaches Lawson and Petersen, cross country home meets and soccer home games were scheduled so that – during halftime on the soccer field – he could come over to the track to run in the cross country meet. Talk about impact!