Peddie Musicians Shatter School Records

Peddie musicians are pushing the envelope and making music on a regional scale. Ten Peddie instrumentalists have earned spots on the Central NJ Regional Orchestra, Wind Ensemble and Symphonic Band and two Peddie chorus members made the cut for the Central NJ Regional Chorus. In addition, all four eligible students went on to earn spots on the 2024 All-State Orchestra, Wind Ensemble and Symphonic Band, including bassoon player Jun-Ki Kim ’25, who is the first wind player in Peddie’s history to achieve this honor.
“I am proud of these students for their efforts to prepare for the audition, and for their willingness to be directly compared to their peers in what is one of the more competitive regions in the country,” said Arts Department Chair Alan Michaels.
Central NJ Regional Orchestra, Wind Ensemble and Symphonic Band:
- Alexandra Simms ’24, piccolo, Orchestra 1st chair and Wind Ensemble, 1st chair
- Huike (Coco) Zhou ’26, piccolo, Symphonic Band 2nd chair and Orchestra 2nd chair
- Sophie Wang ’27, oboe, Symphonic Band 1st chair, Orchestra 3rd chair
- Jun-Ki Kim ’25, bassoon, Symphonic Band 2nd, Orchestra 4th chair
- Jingyi Han ’26, violin 1, chair 12
- Ryan Mou ’25, violin 2, chair 23
- Keaton Chien ’25, viola 1st chair
- Katrina Lee ’25, cello 2nd chair
- Charlotte Ji Dressel ’27, cello 3rd chair
- Luke Liu ’27, cello 8th chair
All-State Orchestra, Wind Ensemble and Symphonic Band:
- Alexandra Simms ’24, piccolo – Symphonic Band
- Huike (Coco) Zhou ’26, flute – Wind Ensemble and Orchestra
- Sophie Wang ’27, oboe – Orchestra
- Jun-Ki Kim ’25, bassoon – Symphonic Band and Orchestra
- Alvin Kim ’26
- Yuechen Yang ’26
The Central Jersey Music Educators Association (CJMEA) is an organization dedicated to providing current, retired, and aspiring music educators with professional development opportunities and providing their students with authentic musical experiences. They serve Hunterdon, Monmouth, Mercer, Somerset, Middlesex and Union counties.