What to Expect From Your Admission Interview (And How to Prepare)

The basics
Your interview will be a personal conversation between you and an admission officer about your interests and desire to attend Peddie. There will be an opportunity for a parent or family member to meet with the admission officer at the end of your interview. All interviews last about 45-60 minutes; 30-40 minutes for the student interview and an additional 10-15 minutes for the parent/family member follow-up.
Below is some general advice about interviewing at independent schools from Associate Director of Admission Susie Lloyd.
Do I need to interview?
Most independent schools including Peddie require an interview. Just as importantly, an interview will give you a comprehensive view of the school. The interview is your time to let the admission officer get to know you and your strengths and interests. At the same time, you will be able to gauge if the school is a good match for you.
What can I expect in my interview?
Admission officers consider talking with prospective students to be a conversation. We are not out to stump you, ask crazy questions or make you feel like you are being put on the spot. Our goal is to talk with you and learn about your interests, what you like about your current school, what you are looking for in a boarding school and to share information about our school.
We are not going to ask you for definitions, to solve an equation or recite a poem. We want you to be comfortable and feel at ease. We may ask about your family, your pets, what interests you, what makes you happy and why you are considering our school. We will answer your questions about classes, schedules, arts, music, sports, roommates, weekends and anything else you might ask. This is your time to get your questions answered and for the admission officer to learn more about you as a person, not just a student.
“Let your personality and interests shine through.”
How should I prepare for my interview?
Be yourself. That is the most important piece of advice for any student. Yes, you should read up on the school, but you are not expected to know everything about it. Ask questions that are genuinely of interest to you. Do not ask questions that you think the admission officer wants to hear. Let your personality and interests shine through. Try to relax and enjoy your visit and interview. Admission officers are people, too, and we are trying to get a sense of what it will be like to work with you if you come to our school.
What if I can’t get to campus for an interview?
While all schools require an interview as part of the application process, most schools will conduct a Zoom or phone interview if campus is closed or if the student lives a distance from campus and is unable to visit. There is no distinction between an on-campus interview or a Zoom interview in the review process. We want to learn about you and answer your questions about our school.
Do you have any final advice?
While applying to schools can be a time consuming and stressful activity, you are encouraged to be yourself. Do your best to relax and enjoy the process. Control what you can control such as your essays and your schoolwork. Let your application speak for itself. You will see beautiful campuses, meet committed educators, and learn more than you can imagine. Remember to take notes on your visits which may help jog your memory later about each school visit.
Call 609-944-7501 to schedule your interview.