Report of Giving
Thank you for helping students like me achieve greater things than we could have EVER IMAGINED!”
The Peddie Fund
We are Grateful to Our Peddie Fund Donors

$2.6 million raised in 2023-2024
Thank you for helping us to accelerate our progress toward building a stronger version of Peddie and keeping Peddie steady in the years ahead.
The Peddie Fund supports 5% of our expenses.
Most of our peer schools have annual funds that fund 10% of their expenses. A stronger Peddie Fund will accelerate our progress toward building a stronger version of Peddie and enhance our ability to meet immediate needs without drawing extensively on the endowment. Every gift makes a difference!
Right now, Peddie is working to provide a more competitive athletic program, access to the Signature Experience, support for off-campus trips and support for Robotics – all of which are not fully funded by the endowment and rely on increased support from The Peddie Fund each year. Your gifts to The Peddie Fund support increased staffing costs, travel opportunities and much-needed equipment. In the near future, we will likely have athletic field projects, dorm renovations and more.
The Peddie Fund 2023-2024 Highlights

New Donors to The Peddie Fund. Thank you!
Active Peddie Fund Pledges. Thank you for your commitment!
of Peddie Fund donors chose to support the school's greatest needs.
gifts under $100 = $81,048. Every gift counts!
Average gift per donor
Donors gave 3+ consecutive years. Thank you loyal donors!
donors with recurring gifts set to automatically donate each year.
Top 5
classes with highest number of donors: 1999, 2012, 2000, 2010 and 2007.
Peddie Fund Participation

total donors in FY24

Board of Trustees


Current Parents
The Peddie Fund is the school’s most ambitious annual fundraising effort and the top philanthropic priority. Gifts to The Peddie Fund support all aspects of the robust Peddie experience that are not funded through endowments or covered by tuition and fees. These unrestricted, current-use gifts are spent annually and allow the school to be nimble and responsive to immediate needs without diminishing the strength of the endowment.
Increased participation, recurring gifts of every size and stretch commitments at every gift level from all members of the Peddie community are essential for us to fuel our dreams for Peddie and remain competitive among our peers. They are also a powerful vote of confidence, illustrating your trust in our ability to give students an experience of excitement and discovery. Thanks to your support, in the financial year 2024, we raised $2.6 million for The Peddie Fund.
If you would like to help lead the way by making a multi-year pledge or learn more about
The Peddie Fund, please contact Katie Grant, director of engagement and The Peddie Fund,
at (609) 944-7629 or kgrant@peddie.org.
Impact Stories

A Message from Peddie's Head of School and Assistant Head for Development
Your generosity is changing trajectories for students and transforming what’s possible at Peddie.
This fall, the most obvious transformation is the addition of the extraordinary Zhao and Li Family Fitness and Exercise Center housing the outstanding 8,710-square-foot Michael L. Li ’17 Sports Performance Training Center, the multi-room rowing facility, the golf training rooms and the community fitness center – all of which have already been used by hundreds of students daily!
This, like many other developments, was imagined, planned and brought to life by our remarkable faculty and staff (often with donor help), and paid for through generous gifts which have enabled us to become more capable of supporting our students in their efforts to accept the challenge of Peddie: to finish [their] labors and begin anew. And their success has made Peddie a better version of itself than would otherwise have been possible.
Over the last three decades, the endowment has been our largest source of funding beyond tuition, and it has grown from $11M to over $450M today, thanks to many of you. Simultaneously, total giving to The Peddie Fund has increased from $527,838 in 1993 to $2.6M this past fiscal year. But The Peddie Fund only supports 5% of the operating budget compared to 10% at peer schools. As we look ahead, in this competitive landscape, there is no question endowment, capital and current-use (Peddie Fund) gifts from all of us will be essential to shape future possibilities and keep Peddie steady.
This year, through our important transition of leadership, let’s keep advancing Peddie and set our future leadership up for success with an even stronger culture of philanthropy and engagement. Your continued generosity and partnership will be essential if we want to be nimble and responsive.
With abundant enthusiasm and gratitude for your continued partnership and support,

Peter A. Quinn P'15 '18 '21
Head of School

Karyn B. Vella P'21 '24
Assistant Head for Development
The Financial Picture: An Overview
Since the successful culmination of the One Peddie campaign, the steadfast financial support we have seen over this past year is a testament to our growth as a philanthropic community. The endowment and The Peddie Fund continue to have a transformative impact on the support Peddie is able to provide current and future students, as well as faculty and staff.
During fiscal year 2023-24, Peddie continued to maintain its financial stability through a careful deployment of our resources towards initiatives that benefit the living and learning experience for our students. The year presented continued challenges around food inflation, uncertainties in financial markets, and a rapidly growing demand for financial assistance. In response, Peddie refined its spending focus by establishing stronger mechanisms to control cost, while ensuring our long-standing commitment to access. Our planning was guided by a diligent adherence to a Board-approved long-term financial plan, which is tested from time to time against adverse macroeconomic factors to reaffirm the school’s financial viability. The importance of philanthropy to Peddie’s success cannot be overstated. Between July 1, 2023, and June 30, 2024, Peddie secured gifts of $8,246,881. Of this, $2,626,900 was directed to The Peddie Fund for current-use, unrestricted support, and $5,619,981 was directed to a variety of endowed funds and capital funds.
Thanks to the generosity of past donors, endowment distributions this year made up a major source of operating revenues at 33% of the total, and thanks to the generosity of current donors, current-use gifts to The Peddie Fund represented 5% of revenues.
Current-use unrestricted gifts to The Peddie Fund allow Peddie to not only be nimble and innovative, but these unrestricted funds support the needs of the school that inevitably emerge throughout the year, including faculty salaries, financial assistance, student life, athletics and the arts. Simply put, growing The Peddie Fund will ensure our continued ability to provide the full Peddie experience.
Peddie had a strong fiscal year 2024 with a strong balance sheet. We expect the overall operating revenue to increase by 6.7% to $45.1 million, while net tuition is expected to increase by 7.4% to $26.4 million. We continued to see the impact of higher inflation on our operations, with our operating expenses slated to increase by 6.5% to $45.6 million.
Peddie’s endowment was valued on June 30, 2023, at $422 million. The endowment continues to be stewarded by an effective and engaged Investment Committee, which works with an external advisory partner to achieve diversification across asset classes, geographies and industries, and prudent risk management. The returns from the endowment alone contribute just under $30,000 per student and support one-third of our operating budget. Looking forward, achieving Peddie’s visionary strategic objectives will require continued fiscal prudence and significant new resources, including unrestricted current-use support.

Tuition and Fees
Endowment Income
Auxiliary Enterprises
Current-Use Unrestricted (The Peddie Fund)

Program Support
Institutional Support
Auxiliary Enterprises

New Endowment Gifts and Pledges
New Current-Use Unrestricted Gifts and Pledges
New Capital Gifts and Pledges
New Restricted Gifts and Gifts Pending Designation
About Peddie
The Office of Alumni and Development
Karyn B. Vella P’21 ’24
Assistant Head for Development
Ryan W. Baumuller
Director of Leadership Giving
Amy E. Cabot
Director of Gift Planning and Leadership Giving Officer
Katherine Grant
Director of Engagement and The Peddie Fund
Laura-Lee Hensle Radtke ’92
Director of Special Events
Paula D. Jones P’27
Office Manager and Special Project Coordinator
Lynn M. Klionsky
Development Operations Coordinator
Shannon Kortmann Madden ’13
Associate Director of Leadership Giving and Digital Strategy Specialist
Renee M. LaPorte
Associate Director of Prospect Management and Research
Nina Lauer
Gift Planning Administrator
Bridgette McKnight ’10
Associate Director of Engagement and Reunions
Julia M. Meneghin
Director of Prospect Management and Research
Douglas C. Seaberg
Leadership Giving Officer
Dina Schwab
Director of Donor Relations
Peddie is pleased to recognize donors who made gifts and pledges to Peddie between July 1, 2023 and June 30, 2024. To learn more about ways to support Peddie, visit peddie.org/support.
We strive to present an accurate depiction of our donors’ intent. In the event of any errors or omissions,
please contact Karyn B. Vella P’21 ’24, assistant head for development, at kvella@peddie.org.
The Report of Giving is produced by the Alumni & Development and Strategic Marketing & Communications departments.
Board of Trustees
As we celebrate our past successes and look to begin our labors anew, we honor the following trustees who demonstrate a deep commitment to furthering our school’s mission. As of July 1, 2024, members of the Peddie Board of Trustees are as follows:
TRUSTEES 2024–2025
Douglas E. Davidson ’64, Chair
Roger Durling ’82, Vice Chair
Mitka T. L. Baker ’96
Allison B. Davi ’02
Patrick W. Dennis ’98
Heather C. Drstvensek ’97
Domingo Garcia P’17 ’20 ’23
Jean Minskoff Grant
Carlos A. Guajardo P’22
Christine Hayden P’25 ’28
Patrick J. Horgan ’84
Stuart H. Kerr ’73
Robert B. Kugler ’68
Benjamin M. Levy ’00
Mitchell G. Mackler ’84
Sara L. McGinty ’96
Hari Moorthy P’22 ’25
Sunanda Nair-Bidkar P’20 ’22
Ndiya D. Nkongho ’95
Sheryl J. Oliver P’17 ’19
Ashish B. Patel ’95
Peter A. Quinn P’15 ’18 ’21
Robert J. Ruberton ’93
Bernadette Schmidinger-Brown ’01
Michael D. Smith ’79
Timothy H. Starkey ’96
Patricia Garcia Sullivan P’17
Chavon T. Sutton ’99
Ragy Thomas P’21 ’24
Sarah E. Venanzi
Stephanie Brisbin Warren ’95
Tracey L. Wetmore ’97 P’28
Sean N. Woodroffe P’19
Shenghong “Jonathan” Zhou P’24 ’26
Christopher J. Acito ’85
Elizabeth S. Silverman P’03 ’10
Michael R. Armellino ’57 GP’19
Alfred P. DiCenso ’52 P’89
Roy D. Grossman ’70
Terry W. Hensle ’60 P’92
J. Robert Hillier
Robert M. Kaye ’54
Arthur E. Brown ’63
Stephen L. Brown ’57 P’95
Roger J. Burns ’63
Karen C. Buroojy P’07
Susan W. Caldwell ’80 P’12
George C. Chen ’84
Edward C. Dippold ’81 P’12
Jeffrey D. Enslin ’84 P’14
Gabriel A. Galindo ’59 P’98 ’01
Bernard M. Goldsmith ’62 P’83 GP’12 ’15 ’18
Roger B. Hansen ’61 P’91
Ralph Izzo P’15
Jeffrey R. Larsen ’93
Kevin L. MacMillan ’93 P’26
Linda C. Marshall ’81
Wight Martindale ’80 P’16 ’18 ’20
David B. Mitchell ’63
Hal L. Rubin ’57
Anne L. Seltzer P’88
Gregory K. Smith ’85
P Parent GP Grandparent